Category: Uncategorized

Money Loves Speed: Ready? Go!

In the online world, speed is rewarded. Get your message out faster than the competition, get paid. It’s that simple.
Know where most people get stuck? The technical side. Face it, most beginners don’t have the budget to hire page designers, and have a tough time with complex page building software.
What if you could build your own professional, top converting pages in about 5 minutes flat?
Without needing any special skills, coding experience or a degree in graphic design?
Then you’d be WAY ahead of the competition, and be able to get YOUR pages online fast.
To build your list. Make sales. Grow your brand. Basically, to make profits faster than ever.
One tool. Infinite possibilities. Fast, professional and extremely easy to use.
Only wish it had been around when I’d started out.
Read full FunnelKit GO review and get special bonus now!
P.S. For a real DFY solution, check out the 1st upgrade that includes over 50 done for you, top converting web pages you can just plug in and profit with.

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5 Ways To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

In this article I want to share with you 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation.

If you’ve ever been disillusioned into thinking that there’s nothing you can do to prevent premature ejaculation and that it’s just something “you’re born with” or “can’t do anything about” then hopefully this will change your mind and inspire you…

Because the truth is that there are many ways to prevent premature ejaculation, and being able to last longer in bed is something that lies within your control.

So let me go ahead and share with you 5 powerful strategies for preventing premature ejaculation and lasting longer in bed…

1 – Take Some Deep Breaths

A lot of men when it comes to sex can get very nervous and fearful or premature ejaculation.  As a result they get all tense, sweaty and start taking lots of short, sharp and shallow breaths.  Unfortunately this is a great recipe for premature ejaculation.  So next time you find your nerves kicking in take 10 slow deep breaths and just watch how you suddenly become a lot more relaxed… and last longer too.

2 – Become James Bond

Another way to get rid of your nerves and prevent premature ejaculation is to change your thoughts. If you’re constantly worrying about how bad it’s going to be if you orgasm too soon then you’re bound to make yourself nervous… and actually end up making it happen.  On the other hand, if you spend your time thinking like James Bond would think, i.e. seeing yourself in control, just enjoying the moment and not stressing about anything, then you’ll have no nerves to encourage premature ejaculation.

3 – Urinate Before Sex

This is a dead simple way to prevent premature ejaculation, but it’s one men time and time again forget about.  Don’t be like most other men.  Remember to go to the bathroom before having sex.  By doing this you take the pressure off your genitals and lasting longer will come naturally.

4 – Stroke The Roof Of Your Mouth With Your Tongue

OK… I know what you’re thinking… This one is a bit “out there”, but at the end of the day this technique works.  By stroking the roof of your mouth you’ll find that by putting all your attention into doing this weird thing you distract yourself from all the pleasure in your genitals.  This distraction is a great way of getting your control back in the bedroom and lasting longer.

5 – Go For A Second Round

If all else fails… Just go for a second round.  Women care a lot less than you probably think about premature ejaculation.  And this is especially true if you take the time to come back for a second round when you can really pleasure her. So if you ejaculate early don’t worry about it too much.  You can always just learn from your mistakes and go for a second round… I’m sure she’ll thank you for it.

So there are 5 ways to prevent premature ejaculation, use them wisely.

Oh, and go check out this cool new video I’ve just found posted online about how to last longer in bed.

It shows exactly what this guy, Jack Grave, did to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 35 minutes, watch it at Ejaculation Guru review

Use this One Simple trick on Every Sales Page

Did you know that a whopping 92% of the top 50 Clickbank products are using Video Sales Letters?

All of them generating thousands of dollars in revenue each day (and have been for years).
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You name an industry – the products that are consistently delivering the highest conversions, have one thing in common.

Now you can create your own VSL in literally 5-10 minutes that can deliver 3-5x boosts in conversions OVERNIGHT.

Create just ONE EasyVSL video sales letter and you’ll be leveraging!

– The ONE simple trick that 46 out of the top 50 Clickbank products are using.
– The EXACT formula that 7 and 8 figure online businesses & entrepreneurs are using to outperform “old-school” static sales pages.

Read full EasyVSL 2.0 review and get huge bonus now!

Router Table Plans That Really Works!

Router table provides a workable area for you. You can easily build this table. Before that you should put in some efforts to find these table plans. You can find a number of plans online which helps you make note of some important things. You will be able to work confidently with the help of router table. These tables must be strong and accurate. If you want to build this table by yourself then you can go for books having those plans.
If you are really interested in woodworking then you need this table at some point of time. So before we build this table we have to make sure the woodworking plans are complete. Next we have to take measurements for making the table. You should know where to pierce the holes to join the wooden boards to form the table. The table must be strong. It must be able to withstand pressures. The table has to exactly fit in the space that you have allocated for it. Without good table plans, you will not get a good table.
It is not easy to find good plans. The price of these products must be reasonable and they must be of good quality. There are many router table plans which are free of cost. You can also purchase a routing table and extend the table with an additional router plate. This table can be extended to provide improved support. For people who are good at woodworking can easily build this without the router table plans. But for people, who have no experience with woodworking, you can get some good plans online or you can get the help of a woodworker.
These are mostly used in workshops. But they are very costly. So people mostly go for creating their own. If you have access to the internet you can get free plans to build your table. After which you can decide the place you want to keep your table and according to that make your measurements.

Next we go for purchasing materials required. If you are designing router table for the first time, you have to spend good time in constructing it. If you patiently do the work, you will produce good results. The step-by-step instructions on preparing router table can be found in router table reviews. This site will help out people having very little knowledge on woodworking to build excellent router tables.

Boost Your Energy the Natural Way

When you think of increasing your energy levels, there are not a lot of natural alternatives that come to mind. You might think the only ways to boost your energy levels include drinking coffee, energy drinks or taking some sort of stimulant. This is simply not true. There are a number of ways you can ramp up your energy, and do it naturally, that will both contribute to your fitness and to your optimal health. If you looking a weight loss program, you should read this article about the e-factor diet review

Eat the Right Foods

Get rid of processed carbs in your diet altogether, if possible. Instead, include natural starchy carbohydrates at the proper times (like after your workout) and watch your energy levels come to life. The steady energy release from slow-burning carbohydrate sources like oatmeal and yams will sustain you throughout the day and you won’t experience sugar-like energy crashes. Filling up with fiber from whole natural foods will help you digest your food more slowly. This will provide you with prolonged energy for hours.

Eat a high protein, high fat, low carb breakfast. This will keep you in fat-burning mode while keeping your cravings at bay. Eating more healthy fats will give you a surge in energy without the crash. If you start your day with sugary carbs, you’ll crave more and more junk food all day long. Also, avoiding excess caffeine and nixing the sugar will work in your favor when it comes to boosting your natural energy levels.

Drink Up

If you’re thirsty, you’re going to feel hungry and sleepy and your energy levels will most likely plummet. Make sure you get at least 8 glasses of water or more per day to maintain both health and energy levels.

You can also add green tea to your drink menu. It has some naturally occurring caffeine, but it’s also chock full of antioxidants and other health boosting nutrients to fuel your energy levels.

Use Natural Supplements

Make sure you get your vitamins and minerals. Yes, eating a variety of vibrant fibrous veggies, fresh organic and preferably grass-fed meats will ensure you are not left with nutritional deficiencies. You can also try some natural supplements like tyrosine. It’s an amino acid that will boost you up. Get it from foods like cottage cheese, eggs and even smoked salmon.

Rest Up

Get a great sleep. Sleep in a cool dark room and try to wake up at the same time daily so your body can get into a rhythm. Shut down the television, laptops and any other electronics and develop a pre-bedtime ceremony to help you wind down at night like light reading or a candlelit bubble bath.

Stretch and breathe. Stretching gives your body a much needed break while increasing your circulation. Get the blood flowing and take slow deep breaths to relax and revive.

Now that you know the secrets to natural energy, you won’t have to find yourself in that afternoon slump, or dragging through your day. Instead, you’ll have the sustained strength and vitality you need to accomplish everything on your daily list and more.

The Half Day Advantage

Mainstream diet books, fitness mags and health blogs can all be reasonably good sources of info. But do you know what I hate about them?

Most of that stuff only works for people in the fitness business: trainers, full time models or competitive athletes. Men and women who are able to give up a normal life for rapid change and short-term results.

But that’s not you, is it?

I’m betting you’re a guy like me or a gal like my wife. You just want an easy plan that let’s you look great naked while living a normal life. And you don’t have time to eat 6 meals a day or carry around tiny Tupperware containers of food to get there.

I know from experience that everyone can get in great shape while having a real life. And I want as many people as possible to have a hot body. Hey, I’m shallow like that and I like looking at hot people on the beach.

Okay, so how are you going to get there?

You’re going to focus on the functionality, practicality, and sustainability of a diet plan first. What the heck does that mean? It means that if something doesn’t work in the real world — for the majority of people, not that 1% of the population who are fitness professionals — then you’re going to drop it. And it doesn’t matter what science or tradition says.

Now don’t get me wrong. The research is still important, and all fat loss plans need a solid science base. My Half Day approach is backed by serious academic studies. I’m a geek and I love that stuff. But you don’t have to. You just need to know that it’s really easy, and it works.

So here’s the thing about practicality…

When you start forming your plans around what you can actually stick to in the real world, you realize that a lot of the established “truths” in the fitness and nutrition industries are nothing but myths with no basis in science.

Sometimes they’re even flat out lies based on political influence. Or they’re designed to sell you a bunch of bullshit you don’t really need.

These dumb fitness myths are actually keeping you fat!

Makes you mad, eh? I know. It made me mad too.

In fact, it made me so mad I sat down and created my own approach. And it’s been working for my clients ever since. Busy people. People with lives. People like you and me.

I’m telling you that it really IS possible to look great year-round. And you don’t have to give up your career or social life to do it either.

Check out our Half Day Diet review now!

Become The Next Amazon Super Affiliate

If you’re still struggling to create amazon review sites then youíre going to love this powerful new wordpress plugin.

Until now, building review sites was a painfully slow process which takes hours upon hours from finding the right keywords and choosing the right products to review.

Thankfully a few guys I know have created this powerful new plugin that does this all for you automatically, making it easy to build your site without having to waste your valuable time.

It’s called Azon Rocket 3.0 which allows you to:

– Setup amazon affiliate id, API and country to make commission
– Auto change categories based on Amazon country.
– Search & Add Videos
– Get product reviews (reviewer name, title and description) and can be added to content builder just by clicking “add” button
– Content spinner using built-in spinner
– And so much more.

What’s also great & unique about this plugin is that you can know before hand how much commissions you will make for each product that you promote no other plugin does this.

Read our Azon Rocket 3.0 review and get special bonus now!

Read more:

Router Table – How to Use

Want to know how to use a Router Table? Here are tips to get the most from your router table.

You do not need a miter channel. Typically, you slide your work along the fence. If using a miter channel, then the fence must be square to the miter channel. Why go to that trouble?

You can create a jig to glide along the Fence. This automatically aligns the wood to get a square cut. You can make adjustment in profile and depth of cut. A Router Lift makes this easy.

A quality Router Table fence eases dust collection. Use your Router Table and Fence for simplicity and ease!

You should never put your work between the fence and the router bit. That is just asking for trouble.

Typically, you slide the wood from right to left (when looking at the fence from the front). That is an anti-climb cut. You make nearly all cuts this way.

If very careful, you can go a short distance in the opposite direction. But you must hold on tight to avoid kickback and/or injury. This climb cut gives cleaner edges, but you should only attempt it after a lot of experience.

Only do less than 15% of your work this way. You should only use shallow or light cuts. Do NOT take big cuts. Only do it when you hands are protected and away from the router bit.

How to use a Router Table to center edge-to-edge joints:

Have you ever wondered how to center edge-to-edge joints? You use this technique for making solid tabletops, wide panels, or even make edging to go around your router table top.

Let’s use an actual example of oak edging on a MDF Router Table Top. The top is 1 1/8″ thick. The oak edging is 1 1/8″ thick.

How do we ensure a centered edge?

  1. Decide on the tongue dimension. You have a 1/4″ slot cutter. You want the tongue thickness less than two times the cut. Therefore, the tongue thickness is slightly less than 1/2″. We use a 1/4″ depth of cut for this example.
  2. We want a tongue that is less than 1/2″ in thickness. Therefore, we know that the rabbet on the Table Top is slightly more than 5/16″ on both sides of a 1 1/8″ thick piece.
  3. Rabbet the top with a rabbet bit with a bearing to produce a 1/4″ rabbet. You don’t want to take a lot during your first pass. Therefore, the depth of cut is set for 1/8″ for your first pass.
  4. Set the fence so it is even with the bearing of the rabbet bit.
  5. Cut both top and bottom of the top. Take your time and go all the way around. Make sure the workpiece is flat on the Router Table Top. Or use the router on top of the workpiece.
  6. Measure the thickness of the tongue. If it is larger than 1/2″, then adjust the depth of cut. A router lift makes this easy. Note:you rout both sides; therefore use one-half the adjustment for each side.
  7. Make your adjustment, rout the top and bottom again. The tongue’s thickness is now slightly less than 1/2″.
  8. Replace your rabbeting bit with your 1/4″ slot cutter. I always disconnect the power source to the router before changing bits!
  9. Sit the rabbeted piece on the router tabletop near the slot cutter. Raise the Router so the bottom of the slot cutter aligns with the bottom of the tongue. You may need support if the workpiece is large.
  10. Set the depth of cut for the slot to around 3/16″ initially. Now slot your Oak edging. Turn it over and slot again. Test the slot on the tongue. Is it too tight? If so, remember that you make two passes with the slotter. Only lower your slot bit by 1/2 of the dimension needed. By the way, the Porter Cable 7518 Router makes this a snap.
  11. Since the slot cut is 1/4″, the second pass is not using the entire cutter. You get an exactly center slot that fits on the tongue.
  12. Once the slot (groove) fits on the tongue, you are ready to set your final depth of the groove. The final depth of cut is slightly more than 1/4″ to allow for glue.
  13. Set your fence for this final depth. Remember – make two passes with the slotter. This gives you an exact fit.

You can use this method for any edge-to-edge joinery, such as tabletops, panels, large drawer fronts, and any time you want to join two-pieces. You get perfect alignment and a rock-solid joint.

If you want to see how this looks after glue-up, please visit

Read more:

5 Steps To Shredded

Are you panicking yet that summer is really right around the corner? Are you suddenly wishing you hadn’t eaten that extra piece of pecan pie, all the candy in your stocking, the entire box of Valentine’s chocolates you got, and all your kid’s Easter candy?

Yes, you’re not alone. It’s easy to look back and see why we’re not exactly bathing suit ready. But, that’s not helping the situation. You want to have a solution, right? You need to know what to do: read our e-factor diet review

Well, luckily, all is not lost and you can still salvage your physique. Here are 5 simple steps that will get you looking ripped and ready!

Step 1: Add HIIT

If you want to get rid of excess body fat, one of the fastest ways to burn off extra calories and fat is by adding HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Why does this work so well? HIIT cardiovascular exercise requires short bursts of all out effort followed by periods of slower cardio. The maximal effort you put into the bursts forces your body to use more oxygen than it normally does. This means you burn more calories.

And, the news gets even better. The extra oxygen usage means you’ll be burning more calories than usual for hours after your workout (after-burn). This condition is known as “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption” (EPOC).

A study in the Journal of Obesity concluded that HIIT exercise has a massive impact on your levels of body fat, especially in the midsection. And, you don’t have to do this type of exercise every day to reap the benefits. Doing three HIIT workouts a week, using 20-25 minute intervals is sufficient for maximizing fat burning.

Step 2: Up Your Protein

Protein requires energy to be digested. That means just the simple act of eating protein dictates that you’re going to burn more calories than usual. It stands to reason, then, that the more protein you add, the more calories you burn.

How much protein do you need in order to reap the fat-burning and weight loss effects? The typical rule of thumb is to get anywhere from .75 grams—1.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, depending on your fitness goals, and your weightlifting regimen. Obviously, if you’re lifting heavy weight and really tearing it up at the gym, you’ll want to err on the higher side for protein intake. If you’re not getting in that much in terms of lifting, then around 1 gram per pound is a good start.

Protein also helps you burn more fat. It is one of the building blocks of muscle and you need to get plenty of protein to keep your muscles strong and allow them to repair themselves after heavy workouts. Adding extra muscle to your physique means you’ll require more calories to maintain your weight, and that translates to an increased  metabolism. So, even if you didn’t change a thing, you’d naturally be burning off additional calories on a daily basis just by being more muscular. So, eat your protein!

Step 3: Eat Your Carbs at the Right Time

Yes, you still want to both watch your carbs and eat your carbs, but it’s critically important that you eat them at the most beneficial time. When is the best time? It’s going to be optimal for fat loss and muscle-building purposes if you can consume your carbs around your training sessions. Ideally, right after your weight workout is the best time to eat the bulk of your starchy carbs for the day.

The remainder of the day should consist of low carb and fibrous veggie selections as well as plenty of protein and healthy fats. This is the quickest way to maintain your muscle while burning off the maximum amount of body fat.

Step 4: Eat Enough Fats

Speaking of healthy fats, how do fats fit into the equation? Fats will provide you with the energy you need to get through your tough muscle-sparing fat-burning workouts. They’ll also help your body repair and recover quickly.

You need to eat fat to make sure your body is able to produce enough testosterone, absorb certain vitamins, have proper brain function, keep skin and hair soft and supple and more.

You’ll also want to make sure to include fat so that you feel full and satisfied. Eating healthy fat sources like whole eggs, coconut oil, fish oil, fatty fresh wild-caught fish, grass-fed meats and dairy products, raw nuts, nut butters and seeds will help your body release body fat while staying energized.

Step 5: Eat Organic and Fresh

Get plenty of fresh (and whenever possible) organic foods. When your body is not fighting against the food you eat, it will be much easier to lose weight. When your body doesn’t have to filter out the pesticides, chemicals, preservatives and other undesirables commonly found in our food sources, your body can simply use the nutrients in your food for fuel, and then focus on fat loss.

Getting the toxins out of your diet will mean less cravings, you’ll shed water weight and you’ll retrain yourself to be satisfied with the good wholesome tastes in natural foods.

Put all these steps into play in your lifestyle and you can virtually guarantee you’ll watch the pounds melt off your body. Throw in some weightlifting alongside your HIIT cardio and you’ll be transformed and beach ready by summer!

Read more:

Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth About Soreness

When you first started working out, you probably hated it. Soreness hurts! But as you progressed, you no doubt embraced it—most of us consider it a signal that we’ve done our diligence and stimulated plenty of muscle growth. But is that true?

The fact is, there are no studies connecting muscle soreness to hypertrophy. Okay, don’t stop reading yet; you will get some good stuff from being a bit sore–and you’ll probably even want to strive for it. But first you need to know what causes muscle soreness.

It’s believed that the pain is caused by microtrauma in muscle fibers—and it’s primarily triggered by the negative, or eccentric, stroke of an exercise—like when you lower a bench press, squat or curl rep.

Once your body repairs those microtears, it follows that the muscle should grow larger; however, that trauma is in the myofibrils, the force-generating actin and myosin strands in the fiber. Those strands grab onto and pull across one another to cause muscular contraction. When you control the negative stroke of a rep, there is friction as those strands drag across each other in an attempt to slow movement speed to prevent injury—and that dragging, it’s believed, is what inflicts the microtrauma.

That’s a simplification, but you get the idea. So it appears that some growth can occur after muscle soreness is repaired, but it’s in the myofibrils. More and more research is beginning to show that those force-generating strands do not contribute the majority of muscle size; serious mass comes via sarcoplasmic expansion. That’s the “energy fluid” in the fibers that’s filled with glycogen (from carbs), ATP, calcium, noncontractile proteins, etc.

So if soreness is an indication of only small amounts of muscle growth, why strive for it? Well, even small amounts of growth contribute to overall mass. Most of us want every fraction we can scrape up. But the real reason to seek some soreness is to burn more fat.

When the myofibrils are damaged by emphasizing the eccentric, the body attempts to repair them as quickly as possible. That repair process takes energy, a lot of which comes from bodyfat. The process usually takes many days, so your metabolism is stoked to a higher level for 48 hours or more, helping you get leaner faster. (Note: High-intensity interval training, like sprints alternated with slow jogs, damages muscle fibers during the intense intervals, the sprints, which is why HIIT burns more fat in the long run than steady-state cardio where no muscle damage occurs.)

Do you need heavy negative-only sets to get that extra bit of size and metabolic momentum? That’s one way, but negative-accentuated, or X-centric, sets may be a better, safer way.

For an X-centric set you take a somewhat lighter poundage than your 10RM and raise the weight in one second and lower it in six. That one-second-positive/six-second-negative cadence does some great things, starting with myofibrillar trauma for some soreness. While you’re coping with that extra post workout muscle pain, remember that it can build the myofibrils and that it’s stoking your metabolism during the repair process for more fat burning.

The second BIG advantage is sarcoplasmic expansion. At seven seconds per rep and eight reps per set, you get almost an entire minute of tension time (seven times eight is 56 seconds). A TUT of 50 to 60 seconds is something most bodybuilders never get—which is a shame because that’s optimal stress for an anabolic cascade and this is the perfect way to train as you age.  I call it Old School New Body! Read the Old School New Body reviews by click here!

You can do an X-centric set after your heavy pyramid—if you’re into heavy training. In other words, use it as a backoff set.

If you’re more into moderate-poundage, high-fatigue mass building, as I am with the F4X method featured in the Old School New Body method, you can use X-centric as the last set of the sequence. Reduce the weight and do a one-up-six-down cadence. You’ll get sore, build some extra size and—bonus—burn for fat. How great is that?

Till next time, stay tuned, train smart and be Built for Life.

Steve Holman